Connect with Lori

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Lori is on EST. Click here to schedule a call or consultation. 


Call Lori at 813-365-7206, or send Lori an email using the form here!

Contact Information

Lori Finlay is joyfully based in St. Petersburg, Florida.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is Functional Health Coaching?

Can I do coaching sessions with Lori without doing the testing?

What does a consultation involve?

How can I tell if you're a good fit?

Coaching is a longer relationship designed to empower, inspire, and motivate you to transform your health and implement the recommendations to optimize your DNA and Vitality. I teach you actual skills and provide tools for you to quickly incorporate healthy creator habits into your life.

Absolutely! The diagnostic tests can fine tune the coaching or make it “bio-individualized”. However, we can make significant impact in your vitality with exploring your health history. I used a detailed body, mind, spirit approach to healing and address diet, lifestyle, environmental, relational, spiritual, and family of origin issues that may be impacting your health. Then, I provide you with tools & support to conquer it all so you have the freedom to express yourself and create the life you want.

What is Functional Health Coaching?

Can I do coaching sessions with Lori without doing the testing?

What does a consultation involve?

How can I tell if you're a good fit?

What is Functional Health Coaching?

Can I do coaching sessions with Lori without doing the testing?

What does a consultation involve?

How can I tell if you're a good fit?

A consultation is a one-time 60–90-minute session where together we review your Test results and come up with a plan for you to move forward integrate recommendations to optimize your health. I spend 60-90 minutes before our session review your health questionnaire & test results, and then include a detailed email with follow up after our session. 

This Free Quiz was created to help you gain clarity about some of your most aggravating symptoms and to help you get on your healthy hormone path.

FREE Hormone Symptom Quiz!