Happy January, my amazing readers! As many of you who have been following me for some time, you know that I spent years trying to overcome fatigue! I was essentially raised in the “ology” model of medicine from the age of 14 – in other words, with segmental treatment protocols. It wasn’t until I began […]
Ah, the holiday season – a time for joy, laughter, and the irresistible aroma of festive feasts wafting through the air. It’s easy to get caught up in the allure of sugary indulgences, but fear not! There’s a delightful path to reveling in the season’s sweetness without bidding adieu to your commitment to a healthier […]
Hi there! Are you enjoying your summer? Have you begun to sabotage your hormonal balance with summer desserts or delectable dishes, or are you choosing wisely? As you know from my previous blogs, hormones play a crucial role in our overall well-being, affecting our moods, energy levels, and reproductive health. Lucky for us, nature has […]