Editors Note—Thank you to each of you for your support as loyal readers and for those who purchased my book and helped us achieve #1 Best Seller status in two categories!! Today’s blog will continue with chapter highlights. If you want to dig deeper and have not ordered the book, you can simply go to […]
Editors Note—Thank you to each of you for your support as loyal readers and for those who purchased my book and helped us achieve #1 Best Seller status in two categories!! Today’s blog will continue with chapter highlights. If you want to dig deeper and have not ordered the book, you can simply go to […]
Estrogen, like Progesterone, is a hormone that is vital to maintaining good health in women. It plays a crucial role in reproductive health, bone health, cardiovascular health, and brain health. Today I’m going to share the various ways in which estrogen is important for women’s health and discuss how you can support your health and […]