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Lori is a Nurse Practitioner, Board Certified Health Coach & Creation Coach who specializes in getting to the root cause of your symptoms

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Editor’s Note – my new book, Create The Vitality You Crave: Epigenetics 101 to Unlock Your Healing Power will be released on September 10th. You can get a free copy of Chapter 1 by clicking here

Years ago, I delved into visualization techniques from Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. I crafted a detailed vision of my future, engaging all five senses, and reciting it daily. However, my visualization didn’t materialize as expected, leading me to abandon the practice. Later, I discovered the “Power of Creation Principles,” which provided the missing pieces to consistent daily creation. These principles, applicable to every aspect of life, offer a holistic approach, addressing our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

The Foundation of Creation Principles

The Creation Story in the Holy Scriptures exemplifies both spiritual and physical Creation Principles. The spiritual creation involves “see, say, and feel,” where God visualizes and speaks into existence the world, light, land, plants, animals, and humans in a step-by-step process. This “line-upon-line” approach highlights the importance of combining spiritual creation with physical actions, the “do.”

Overcoming Struggles with Creation Principles

Many, including myself and my clients, have struggled with this principle. Common experiences, like failed New Year’s resolutions, often stem from neglecting the spiritual creation aspect. We might take physical actions like going to the gym or buying healthy foods, but without the spiritual foundation, these actions quickly fade. Imagine an iceberg: the bulk (spiritual creation) lies beneath the surface. To effect real changes above the surface (physical actions), we must first transform what lies beneath.

Integrating Creation Principles into Daily Life

Understanding that we create daily, consciously or not, is crucial. We can use our creative powers positively to foster growth and positive change or negatively to develop harmful patterns and habits. Combining each level of creation—spiritual (SEE), mental (SAY), emotional (FEEL), and physical (DO)—is essential. The Holy Scriptures remind us that we have the choice to “act or be acted upon” each day.

The Power of Your Thoughts

Bruce Lipton, PhD, author of The Biology of Belief, highlights the power of our mind, stating it transforms thoughts into chemicals that alter our cells and organs. This concept is evidenced by the nocebo effect-numerous cases where patients succumbed to fatal prognoses almost exactly as predicted by their doctors. Additionally, the mind’s power is further illustrated by the placebo effect, where belief in a treatment’s efficacy, even if it’s just a sugar pill, leads to real health improvements. A 1960 study on angina patients revealed that 71% of those who underwent sham surgery improved, compared to 67% of those who had real surgery, showcasing the placebo effect’s potency.

Conversely, the nocebo effect demonstrates the mind’s power to harm. If patients believe a treatment will cause negative outcomes, their bodies may manifest these beliefs. Thus, being mindful of our thoughts is crucial.

Applying Creation Principles to Your Life

To harness the power of Creation Principles and optimize vitality, follow these steps:

SEE: Identify an area of your life you want to cultivate.
SAY: Describe your Future-Self using present-tense language (e.g., “I am healthy”).
FEEL: Reflect on the beliefs and emotions of your Future-Self, using present-tense language.
DO: Establish daily habits that align with your Future-Self’s goals.
BECOME: Visualize the person you want to be, including character traits, habits, and skills.

Initially, this might seem like a lot of work, but the rewards are substantial. Clarity about your Future-Self—detailed through the senses and addressing spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical dimensions—anchors your day. By meditating on this vision each morning and reflecting on your progress each evening, you strengthen your creative power.

A Personal Story of Recovery

In my early nursing career, I encountered a 34-year-old patient, Tom, suffering from Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) or severe pneumonia. His condition was critical, and he was expected to die within days. Tom asked his wife for permission to let him go, and I arranged a visit from his two young daughters in the ICU. They hugged and spent a tender moment with their father, which seemed like a final goodbye.

After the visit, a family photo was placed where Tom could see it. When I returned to work on Monday, Tom was no longer in the ICU. To my amazement, his condition had drastically improved in 24 hours. His breathing normalized, he was off the ventilator, and he had been moved to a regular room. This dramatic recovery left me pondering the power of our thoughts, of love, and the human spirit in healing.

The Role of Epigenetics

While epigenetics wasn’t a well-known field in 1993, it provides a scientific explanation for cases like Tom’s. Epigenetics explores how our thoughts and behaviors can influence gene expression. Our mind’s “pharmacy” can significantly impact our health, shaping the way our genes express themselves. As Brenda Stockdale says, “The Pharmacy in your mind is a major player in the game of genetic expression.”

Moving Forward

Understanding and applying the power of thoughts and creation principles can significantly enhance your vitality. Stay tuned for more tips on creating the vitality you crave and unlocking your healing potential. Embrace this journey, and witness the transformative effects of your thoughts on your health and life.

If this summary resonates with you, you’ll like the book. If you are ready for more personalized support, I’d like to hear more about how I can help you. Schedule a free discovery call here.

This Free Quiz was created to help you gain clarity about some of your most aggravating symptoms and to help you get on your healthy hormone path.

FREE Hormone Symptom Quiz!