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Lori is a Nurse Practitioner, Board Certified Health Coach & Creation Coach who specializes in getting to the root cause of your symptoms

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Editor’s Note: Last week, we focused on how cleansing your mental and emotional space can further enhance your vitality. This week, I’ll dive into the important topic of breast health, as discussed in my book Create The Vitality You Crave.

It’s that time of year again—pink ribbons and campaigns popping up everywhere, all in the name of breast cancer awareness. While these efforts are commendable and have certainly raised visibility, it’s time we ask ourselves: Has the focus shifted too far from breast health to solely breast cancer? Awareness is just one part of the puzzle. What we truly need is a holistic approach that emphasizes prevention, early detection, and overall breast health. That starts with understanding the realities of breast cancer, recognizing the limits of current screening methods, and empowering ourselves through education.

The Reality of Breast Cancer: Statistics and Implications

Breast cancer is one of the most significant health concerns for women. In 2024, approximately 310,720 estimated new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected in the US, 16% will be in women less than 50 years old! And unfortunately, the numbers keep climbing. The World Health Organization (WHO) predicts a 57% increase in cancer cases worldwide over the next 20 years. It’s a sobering reality that 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will face a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime, and yes, even men can develop breast cancer—something that often gets overlooked.

Despite the billions of dollars poured into awareness campaigns since the “war on cancer” began in 1971, mortality rates remain concerning. While the Susan B. Komen Organization cites a five-year relative survival rate for breast cancer of 99%, this doesn’t fully reflect the risk of recurrence. Conventional treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery often miss the mark on targeting cancer stem cells (CSCs)—the resilient cells that drive metastasis. This can lead to a false sense of security, where patients believe they’re “cured” while CSCs remain a hidden threat.

The Business of Breast Cancer

With over $500 billion spent on cancer research, treatment, and awareness initiatives, it’s worth asking: Why do the numbers continue to rise? The focus has primarily been on diagnosis and treatment rather than prevention, raising important questions: Are we investing in the right areas? Are we inadvertently sustaining a system that favors Big Pharma and Big Medicine over addressing root causes and preventive measures?

Research suggests that our immune systems have the ability to detect and eliminate rogue cancerous cells, but factors like viral infections, fungi, and toxic exposure can compromise these natural defenses. Unfortunately, those who have battled chronic illnesses are at a higher risk, especially when conventional treatments further weaken their immune function. 

Empowering Through Prevention

True breast health begins with prevention, not just treatment after a diagnosis. Understanding your personal risk factors and making lifestyle changes can significantly reduce those risks. With that said, the MD Anderson Cancer Center stated in 2008 that only 5-10% of chronic diseases (including cancers) are caused by “bad genes”. The rest of the 90-95% of cases are caused by our daily choices!! This is Epigenetics at work! I write all about this in my new book highlighting the true power we have by changing our diet, lifestyle, our thoughts, our relationships, if needed, etc.  In addition to understanding what we can do for prevention, it’s critical that we know how to do proper screening to monitor the success of our prevention strategies-this is where functional health testing becomes invaluable. Unlike traditional methods, functional health testing explores genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences, allowing for a personalized prevention strategy. 

Key Strategies for Enhancing Breast Health:

Functional Health Testing: This approach identifies root causes, enabling tailored interventions. Genetic testing, such as DNA analysis, can reveal predispositions to breast cancer. By uncovering single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and other genetic markers, you can make informed lifestyle changes to reduce your risk. With that said, look at this graphic below. This is an overview of Breast Cancer Causation. Look carefully down in the bottom right-hand corner.  BRCA-1 and BRCA-2- that are often the most talked, and feared, genes linked to breast cancer, only represent two little slivers of this diagram. The others are Epigenetic factors like diet, lifestyle, and toxin exposure. We have control over those things. Well, we have control of some of it. Yes, we are bombarded every day, but what daily cleansing rituals do you do? I go into great depth into this topic in my book as well.  

Functional Health Testing: This approach identifies root causes, enabling tailored interventions. Genetic testing, such as DNA analysis, can reveal predispositions to breast cancer. By uncovering single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and other genetic markers, you can make informed lifestyle changes to reduce your risk. With that said, look at this graphic below. This is an overview of Breast Cancer Causation. Look carefully down in the bottom right-hand corner.  BRCA-1 and BRCA-2- that are often the most talked, and feared, genes linked to breast cancer, only represent two little slivers of this diagram. The others are Epigenetic factors like diet, lifestyle, and toxin exposure. We have control over those things. Well, we have control of some of it. Yes, we are bombarded every day, but what daily cleansing rituals do you do? I go into great depth into this topic in my book as well.  

Hormonal Balance: I can’t reinforce enough the importance of hormone balance in regards to our breast health! Thus, the reason that I love the DUTCH hormone test.
The DUTCH test (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) offers insight into hormone levels and metabolism, showing how your body processes estrogens. Hormone metabolism is one the most critical indicators of your trajectory for hormone related cancers including breast cancer. By identifying imbalances early, you can create changes that supports your breast health.  Again, for more significant education and understanding on this topic, get your hands on a copy of my book. You will certainly feel more empowered! 

Stress Management: Chronic stress disrupts hormonal balance and can increase cancer risk. When you’re stressed, your adrenals can create a syndrome called Pregnenlone steal, which creates incredible disturbance in your progesterone levels, thereby increasing your risk of Estrogen Dominance. You can read more about this in a previous blog. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and reciting the Serenity Prayer, help foster emotional stability and resilience, which in turn benefits your overall health.

Early Screening Tools: Again, I think the earliest screening tool we have is the DUTCH test. Measuring hormone metabolism gets straight to the root cause of one of the major risks of breast cancer. Unfortunately, the current “standard of care” in conventional medicine is still to start mammograms at the age of 40. However, traditional mammography often detects tumors when it’s already late in the game. Mammograms are NOT an early screening tool!! Alternative screenings like thermography and SureTouch Breast Scan can identify changes in breast tissue earlier, allowing for proactive measures. For a list of Thermography providers near you, check out this link. The ONCOblot test which detects proteins from malignant cells, is one of the other innovative tools for early detection. QT imaging is a new device that appears to be very promising, although it is still available in only limited areas. Other helpful screening tools, if you need more advanced While many of these are out of your own pocket, for me, it has been worth the investment in my health! Personally, I have not had a mammogram for 20 years, and plan on using the DUTCH test and Thermography to monitor my prevention strategies for breast health! 

A New Paradigm: Functional Health Testing

Functional health testing is a game-changer in preventive care. Unlike conventional methods, which focus on treating symptoms, this approach dives deeper into the root causes. Understanding your genetic markers, like those revealed through DNA testing or by the DUTCH test, can help you manage hormone levels and detoxify harmful estrogens, reducing risks and promoting breast health.

The Impact of Mindset on Health

There’s a powerful connection between your emotional and physical health. Stress disrupts hormonal balance, and a positive mindset can help counteract this. Mindfulness and practices like the Serenity Prayer encourage a sense of acceptance and courage, which can have a profound impact on your overall well-being.

Conclusion: A Holistic Approach to Breast Health

As we reflect on the Pink Campaign, it’s clear that our approach to breast health must extend beyond mere awareness of breast cancer. We need a comprehensive understanding that prioritizes prevention, early detection, and education. By acknowledging the realities of breast cancer and embracing functional health testing, we can empower ourselves to take control of our health and focus on true, lasting vitality. 

Here’s to your journey toward optimal breast health and vitality. If you’re ready to dive deeper, you’ll love my book Create The Vitality You Crave: Epigenetics 101 to Unlock Your Healing Power* You can order it on Amazon [here]. 

If you’ve already read it, I’d be grateful for your review—it not only helps others find my book but also makes Jeff Bezos very happy! The audiobook is coming soon, and I’m excited to release a workbook to help you implement the information on a deeper level. Here’s to your vitality!

Again, here’s to your breast health! 

If you have enjoyed reading this blog, and want to take a deeper dive, then you will love my new book Create The Vitality You Crave: Epigenetics 101 to Unlock Your Healing Power. You can order on Amazon by clicking here.

NOTE: If you have already purchased my book and are reading it, your review would mean the world to me, as it makes Jeff Bezos very happy, and allows others to find my book, too. Thank you!!

You can click here if you would still love to order a copy of my book. The audiobook has had some uploading issues but it’s coming soon. Additionally, I will be releasing a workbook to support you in implementing the information at a whole new level. Here’s to your Vitality!

This Free Quiz was created to help you gain clarity about some of your most aggravating symptoms and to help you get on your healthy hormone path.

FREE Hormone Symptom Quiz!