Have you ever considered that the future version of you—the one feeling energized, healthy, and at peace—is built by the choices you make today? The reality is, you have more control over your vitality than you may think. Every meal, every thought, every habit adds up, either strengthening or depleting your well-being. The good news? […]
Have you ever considered that the future version of you—the one feeling energized, healthy, and at peace—is built by the choices you make today? The reality is, you have more control over your vitality than you may think. Every meal, every thought, every habit adds up, either strengthening or depleting your well-being. The good news? […]
Editor’s Note: Last week, we dove into part one of Your Daily Vitals, exploring the transformative impact of breathing, hydration, and nourishment on your vitality. These foundational practices set the stage for optimizing your health and well-being. As part of this journey, I’ve been sharing highlights from my best-selling book Create The Vitality You Crave: […]
I have countless clients who are dragging themselves through their day with colas or energy drinks. In fact, they start their day with em’ and then perhaps have a few more, especially when the afternoon energy slump comes crashing in. Can you relate? If you’ve been struggling to quit your cola or energy drink addiction, […]