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Lori is a Nurse Practitioner, Board Certified Health Coach & Creation Coach who specializes in getting to the root cause of your symptoms

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Hormone Health

Heart Health

If you’re like most women, there’s a lot about your hormones that you just do not understand. You know you don’t feel right. You go to your “doc in the box” and often just get the pill for your ill. These pills may alleviate some symptoms temporarily, but the cost can be huge down the […]

Greetings from Sunny Tampa Bay. I hope it’s a sunny lovely day where you are, too!  For those of you who love Fur-babies like I do, here’s an update on Gemma, my little 7lb Yorkipoo. Her surgery was yesterday & she did really well, (Praise the Lord), clean margins, and pathology report pending. She’s sitting […]

Yesterday, I finally began reading & listening to (that’s how I do books that I really want to understand;) Metabiological – by Dr. Robert Lustig, a retired Pediatric Endocrinologist, who also has a degree in nutritional biochemistry. It is PROFOUND!! I highly recommend it, and I will certainly be sharing some of the pearls in […]

I hope you have enjoyed the information shared with you over the past month on Heart Hearth. This last week, I watched a profound medical webinar on Women and Cardiovascular Disease. The big take-home message was about how stress, and its effect on raising cortisol, and a poor Critical Awakening Response (measured on the DUTCH […]

This Free Quiz was created to help you gain clarity about some of your most aggravating symptoms and to help you get on your healthy hormone path.

FREE Hormone Symptom Quiz!