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Lori is a Nurse Practitioner, Board Certified Health Coach & Creation Coach who specializes in getting to the root cause of your symptoms

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Editors Note—Thank you to each of you for your support as loyal readers and for those who purchased my book and helped us achieve #1 Best Seller status in two categories!! Today’s blog will continue with chapter highlights. If you want to dig deeper and have not ordered the book, you can simply go to Amazon. The audiobook will be out shortly—narrated by me. Again, thank you!

Enjoy this weeks blog.

In today’s wellness culture, cleansing or detoxing has become a popular trend, with various regimens promising benefits like weight loss, improved vitality, and clearer skin. However, the foundation of any effective cleanse starts with something simple but crucial: hydration. Without proper water intake, no detox program can be truly effective. Imagine your body as a pool of water—when it becomes stagnant, it loses its vitality and energy, much like the murky water of a neglected pond. To keep your body vibrant and capable of eliminating toxins, prioritizing hydration is essential as the first step in any cleansing routine.

The Role of Filtered Water

The quality of water you consume plays a vital role in detoxification. Many have experienced the difference between drinking or showering in hard, chlorinated water versus soft, filtered, and alkaline water. Hard water can dry out your skin and hair, causing discomfort, while filtered water helps maintain their softness and health. High-quality water filters remove harmful toxins such as chlorine, heavy metals, and other dissolved solids, facilitating your body’s detoxification processes. However, it’s important to replace these filters regularly to prevent them from becoming overwhelmed by toxins, which could lead to the reabsorption of harmful substances. For a successful cleanse, ensure you have access to clean, filtered water—and drink plenty of it.

The Importance of Cleansing Organs

Many detox programs focus on cellular-level cleansing but often overlook the importance of ensuring that the body’s cleansing organs, or “channels,” are functioning optimally. These organs include the kidneys, liver, lungs, and skin. If these channels are not open and functioning properly, toxins released during a cleanse can do more harm than good, potentially causing a “healing crisis,” also known as a Herxheimer reaction. Therefore, it’s crucial to support and prepare these organs before beginning any detoxification regimen.

Supporting Your Cleansing Organs

  1. Kidneys: The kidneys are essential for filtering and eliminating waste products and excess fluids through urine. Proper hydration is key to supporting kidney health, as it ensures effective toxin removal. Consuming kidney-friendly foods like berries, leafy greens, and watermelon provides essential nutrients while limiting sodium and processed foods reduces stress on the kidneys. Regular exercise promotes healthy blood circulation, further benefiting kidney function.

  2. Liver: Central to detoxification, the liver processes nutrients, metabolizes medications, and filters toxins from the blood. A balanced, nutrient-rich diet and healthy lifestyle are crucial for maintaining liver health. Poor dietary choices, such as excessive consumption of processed foods, alcohol, and high-fat diets, can burden the liver, hindering its detoxification abilities. Regular exercise, adequate hydration, and incorporating liver-friendly foods like artichokes, beet greens, and turmeric can enhance the liver’s capacity to cleanse the body.

  3. Lungs: Deep diaphragmatic breathing is a powerful method for cleansing the lungs and rejuvenating the body. By engaging the diaphragm, deep breathing promotes efficient oxygenation of the blood and helps remove stale air and toxins trapped in the lungs. This practice also stimulates the lymphatic system, aiding in the removal of waste and toxins. Incorporating deep breathing techniques into your daily routine supports lung health boosts energy levels, and enhances the body’s natural cleansing processes.

  4. Skin: The skin, the body’s largest organ, plays a crucial role in detoxification by serving as a protective barrier and facilitating toxin elimination through perspiration. Sweat glands excrete waste products such as urea, ammonia, and lactic acid, while sebaceous glands secrete oils that flush out impurities. Heat therapies, like saunas and hot baths, enhance the skin’s detoxification abilities by promoting sweating and increasing blood flow. It’s important to stay well-hydrated and maintain electrolyte balance during and after these therapies to prevent dehydration.

Additional Cleansing Tips

  1. Supporting Bile Flow: Bile, produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder, is essential for digestion and detoxification. Improving bile flow can prevent issues like estrogen dominance and hormonal imbalances. Incorporating foods such as artichokes, beet greens, and choline-rich foods into your diet can support healthy bile flow. Supplements like fiber, betaine hydrochloride, and bile salts can also be beneficial.

  2. Enhancing Glutathione Levels: Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that plays a critical role in detoxification and immune support. It helps protect cells from damage, supports liver health, and promotes overall vitality. Maintaining a healthy diet, managing stress, and avoiding environmental toxins are essential for preserving Glutathione levels. Supplementing with Glutathione can also help maintain optimal levels as you age. Click here to learn read my blog about this master longevity molecule and the supplement that I have wouldn’t live without
  3. Promoting Lymphatic Drainage: The lymphatic system is crucial for removing toxins and waste products from the body. Regular movements, such as rebounding on a mini trampoline, dry brushing, and lymphatic massage, can stimulate lymphatic circulation and enhance the body’s natural detoxification processes.

A Holistic Approach to Cleansing

True cleansing goes beyond following a structured detox program—it involves supporting your body’s natural detoxification pathways through proper hydration, using filtered water, and optimizing the function of your cleansing organs. By taking a holistic approach to cleansing, which includes nourishing your body with the right foods, supporting liver and kidney health, promoting deep breathing, and maintaining healthy skin, you can enhance your overall well-being and vitality.

If you would still love to order a copy of my book, you can click here.

The audiobook has had some uploading issues but it coming soon. Additionally, I will be releasing a workbook to support you in implementing the information at a whole new level. Here’s to your Vitality!

This Free Quiz was created to help you gain clarity about some of your most aggravating symptoms and to help you get on your healthy hormone path.

FREE Hormone Symptom Quiz!