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Lori is a Nurse Practitioner, Board Certified Health Coach & Creation Coach who specializes in getting to the root cause of your symptoms

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Hormone Health

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Shedding Light on a Silent, Toxic Intruder

Hey there! Feeling off-balance and don’t know why? Mold might be the unexpected culprit behind your hormonal woes. It certainly was for me!! Discover the surprising link between mold and your endocrine system.

You may be wondering why I’m going from blogging about summer self-care to such a confronting and dark topic like mold. Well, I’m taking my summertime to do some major self-care, and have sinus surgery to finally get rid of the last of the mold that invaded my body. Hallelujah!! I want to shine the light on the pesky mycotoxins so YOU and your hormones are not impacted like mine have been.

My mold experience

For years I was suffering from severe fatigue and endocrine dysfunction. My hormone levels were in the tank; I had to take Cortef, a bioidentical cortisol product, as my adrenals were too shot to make enough cortisol to support my daily energy needs. I felt gross and wiped out all the time. I could not sleep; I was “wired but tired”; I was putting on weight; my libido was gone; and I had intense brain fog and frequent headaches. With the help of a functional health provider, I found out that I was loaded with heavy metals. I was then hit with Epstein-Barre syndrome. Little did I know, after years of healing these two causes of fatigue, that the bigger culprit was severe black mold toxicity. After 6 intense months of ozone therapy, the black mold was gone. However, despite doing extensive and expensive remediation in two homes, every 6 months, a new mycotoxin would appear on my lab reports. My brilliant doc suggested a sinus CT scan, and viola, we found the source of mold – growing inside my body!!

The Prevalence of Mold: A Common Home Intruder

You might be wondering, “Mold? Really? Is it that common?” Well, you’d be surprised! According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), about half of all homes in the United States have some form of mold. And guess what? It’s not just cities in humid environments. We spend about 90% of our time indoors, making it even more crucial to ensure our indoor air quality is up to par. If you have had any water damage to the building you live in, work in, go to school in, worship in, or even recreate in, you may be at risk for mold-related illness.

The Endocrine System and Hormone Balance: Keeping the Harmony

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of mold and hormones, let’s take a quick look at our endocrine system. It’s like the conductor of an orchestra, directing the various hormones in our body to play in harmony. These hormones regulate everything from our metabolism to our mood, so keeping them in balance is key to our overall well-being.

Mold Exposure and Hormone Disruption: Upsetting the Orchestra

Now, here comes the troubling part. Research has shown that mold toxins, known as mycotoxins, can interfere with our hormonal orchestra. They sneak into our bloodstream and start wreaking havoc on hormone production, signaling, and even receptor sensitivity. The cell receptors act like a lock and key mechanism. Unfortunately, these mycotoxins act as hormone mimickers, attaching themselves to the cell receptors and blocking normal function. This can create widespread symptoms that mimic hormone-related symptoms.

Cortisol: The Stress Hormone Under Attack

Do you know that the pesky hormone called cortisol is responsible for helping us manage stress? Well, mold exposure can throw it off balance. Mycotoxins disrupt the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, the system responsible for cortisol release, leaving us feeling fatigued, irritable, and unable to handle stress as effectively.

Cortisol plays a crucial role in our body’s stress response. When we encounter a stressful situation, our HPA axis releases cortisol to help us cope. However, chronic mold exposure can throw this delicate balance off track, leading to overproduction or underproduction of cortisol. This hormonal rollercoaster can leave us feeling constantly on edge or depleted, impacting our ability to handle daily stressors.

Thyroid Hormones: Regulating the Metabolic Beat

Now, let’s talk about our thyroid hormones, which are like the conductors of our metabolism. Mold toxins can mess with the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis, impacting thyroid hormone production and conversion. This can lead to weight changes, fatigue, and even mood disturbances.

The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in regulating our metabolism. It produces hormones that control how our body uses energy from the foods we eat. When mold toxins interfere with the HPT axis, it can disrupt the delicate balance of thyroid hormones. Some studies have suggested that certain mycotoxins can suppress thyroid function, leading to symptoms such as unexplained weight changes, persistent fatigue, and mood swings.

Sex Hormones: Fertility and Mood Under Siege

Mold exposure doesn’t stop there. It can also wreak havoc on our sex hormones, affecting reproductive health and mood. With estrogen and testosterone levels thrown off balance, fertility issues, menstrual irregularities, and decreased libido might become unwelcome guests in our lives.

Sex hormones play a vital role in our reproductive health and overall well-being. They regulate our menstrual cycles, support fertility, and influence our mood and libido. When mold toxins interfere with these hormones, it can lead to disruptions in our reproductive system and affect our emotional well-being. Some individuals may experience irregular menstrual cycles, difficulty conceiving, or changes in sexual desire.

Other dangerous effects of Mold and Mycotoxins

Several years ago, as I was researching to heal my own mold illness, I attended a 3-day medical continuing education event all about mold and mycotoxins. I was shocked at the pervasive and extensive impact of these pesky critters on our health. Again, not only will mycotoxins impact your endocrine system, and your mood, causing anxiety and depression, but one can also experience early cognitive decline and be at great risk of Alzheimer’s, cancers, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and other disease. The bottom line- it’s no joke and should not be overlooked. If you have been dealing with a chronic condition like Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lyme Disease, Epstein Barre, Heavy Metal Toxicity, etc., there’s a chance you may have some mycotoxins lurking around too. They often go hand-in-hand, yet, unfortunately, are overlooked by most healthcare practitioners. But now you know!!

Identifying Mold in Your Home: The Detective Work Begins

Now that we know how mold can mess with our hormones and other systems, it’s time to find out if it’s lurking in our homes. Musty odors, visible mold growth, and water stains on walls are some of the signs to watch out for. Don’t forget to check carpets, floorboards, your furnace, even air vents, and other nooks and crannies to spot any suspicious spots.

When it comes to identifying mold in our homes, it’s essential to be vigilant. Musty odors are often the first clue that mold might be present. If you notice a persistent musty smell, especially in specific areas of your home, it’s worth investigating further. Keep an eye out for visible mold growth as well – it can appear as black, green, or white patches on walls, ceilings, or other surfaces.

Preventing Mold Growth: Defense Against the Intruder

The best way to deal with mold is to prevent it from taking up residence in the first place. Proper ventilation in bathrooms and kitchens, fixing water leaks immediately, and using dehumidifiers to control indoor humidity are all smart strategies to keep mold at bay.

Preventing mold growth requires a proactive approach. Start by ensuring that your home is well-ventilated, especially in areas prone to moisture, such as bathrooms and kitchens. Regularly inspect your plumbing and address any leaks promptly. Investing in a dehumidifier can help maintain optimal indoor humidity levels, making it less conducive for mold to thrive. I also highly recommend the line of mold remediation products from Microbalance. I use the candles every other week to kill any possible mycotoxins in my environment. I also use the laundry additive so that my washing machine does not grow mold. Speaking of it, be sure to leave your washing machine lid/door open to prevent mold growth.  

Steps to Take if Mold Exposure is Suspected: Taking Charge of Your Health

If you suspect that mold might be affecting your health and hormone balance, it’s time to take action. First and foremost, consult a healthcare professional to assess your symptoms and discuss potential mold exposure. Then, consider hiring a professional mold inspector to conduct testing in your home. If mold is confirmed, don’t panic! Seek professional mold remediation services to remove mold from your living space safely.

If you suspect that mold might be impacting your health, don’t hesitate to reach out to a healthcare professional. They can help you evaluate your symptoms and determine if mold exposure could be a contributing factor. Additionally, consider having your home tested for mold by a certified inspector. If mold is present, it’s crucial to address the issue promptly. Do NOT just run to your local hardware store and buy some mold spray to do it on your own. Honestly, it really does require way more work to handle mold correctly, to prevent spreading mold spores all over your environment. Professional mold remediation can safely and effectively remove mold from your home, reducing the risk of further exposure.

Unmasking the Mold-Hormone Connection

There you have it – the hidden dangers of mold and its impact on hormone balance and health. Remember, understanding the link between mold and hormonal disruption empowers us to protect our well-being. Keep an eye out for mold in your home, prevent its growth, and take action if you suspect exposure. Your hormones will thank you for it, and you’ll be well on your way to living a healthier, mold-free life! Stay informed, stay proactive, and take charge of your health.

With a little knowledge and action, we can ensure that mold doesn’t get the upper hand and our hormones stay in harmony. So, here’s to healthier homes, healthier bodies, and a healthier you! Let’s beat the mold and keep our hormones dancing to the right tune – the tune of wellness and vitality!

This Free Quiz was created to help you gain clarity about some of your most aggravating symptoms and to help you get on your healthy hormone path.

FREE Hormone Symptom Quiz!