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Lori is a Nurse Practitioner, Board Certified Health Coach & Creation Coach who specializes in getting to the root cause of your symptoms

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Hormone Health

Heart Health

Happy post Tax deadlines to you!! If you have opened this up and are reading, that’s good news, you survived another tax deadline 😉 

Speaking of deadlines – for anyone they can create stress. However, for women, who are fueled by Progesterone, deadlines can suck the progesterone right out of us. How? Well, deadlines require a LOT of masculine/yang energy. Testosterone is a great hormone to help produce results and face deadlines. While we as women do have testosterone to help fuel our yang energy, when it’s too much stress, and a lot of deadlines, our bodies will deplete testosterone, then tap into the stress hormone cortisol to fuel us. Men have at least 16x more Testosterone than women which allows them to work long, hard hours and face deadlines with more ease and less hormonal disruption. We as women need to be mindful of this and practice calming strategies throughout the day.  

The health ramifications are huge! When we are pumping out cortisol, we begin to create, what I refer to in my Breast Health Awareness Webinar, as “Progesterone Steal”. Cortisol steals progesterone, which then causes an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone, which then causes too much estrogen or “estrogen dominance”, which then can dramatically increase your risk of belly fat, cranky moods, depression, brain fog, fibroids as well as many other symptoms, and increase your risk of breast cancer!! Yes, all from too much or prolonged stress and deadlines. 

I have a new pattern that I recently created to reduce stress during my time in front of the computer that is really helping. I have an online software called IRIS to protect my eyes. Every 10 minutes out so, my screen will grey out for 18 seconds. I can hit a button and tell it to stop, or basically override this helpful software that I installed to protect my eyes, but of course, that negates the benefit. I’ll be honest, when I have been in the middle of something important or had a deadline (LOL) I found myself disabling the alarm. Ok, so here’s the new habit I created- I chose to see this interruption as a trigger to stop, close my eyes and take slow deep breaths, repeating a lovely mantra, “my nervous system is calm, balanced, and functioning optimally ”. What a difference!!! 

One of my heroes is Dieter F. Uchtdorf. (my screen just greyed out and I did my breathing;) In my faith, we believe that Dieter. F. Uchtdorf is a modern Apostle of Jesus Christ. He is also a retired airline captain and is very humorous when he teaches life lessons with airline stories. Years ago, he shared an important, life-changing talk called “Of Things That Matters Most”. He starts by talking about Turbulence that you experience when in a plane. I’m sure we have all experienced it, right? He taught us that “the most common cause of turbulence is a sudden change in air movement causing the aircraft to pitch, yaw, and roll.” There are some new terms for ya 😉 He continued by sharing that novice pilots will try and increase speed to get through the turbulence, but speed will make the turbulence worse!! The way to lessen the turbulence is to SLOW DOWN! 

Why am I sharing this today? Well, I’ve hit some turbulence lately and have chosen to slow down the production of the tools that I’m creating to bless more women’s lives. We took a kind of spur-of-the-moment fun trip to Anchorage to watch our 11-year-old grandson, captain of his hockey team, play in his state finals. It was so wonderful to watch him play! When we came home, I found lumps on my little precious YorkiePoos chest. We’ve had some miracles already, with canceled appointments so we could get moved up, and we are meeting with a surgeon today, but the very strong suspicion is that she has breast cancer!! Please say a prayer for precious little Gemma. 

Now circling back to deadlines and tying this all together- many of you know that I had wanted to have my website & eBook complete, as well as launch my podcast this spring. Well, I realized a few months ago, while diligently working to create new tools to support you and other women, I had to slow down, to support my own health, my own progesterone levels.  Now, with the added turbulence of caring for my precious fur-baby Gemma, I may need to move things out another month or so. Stay tuned, things really are progressing, and I promise to deliver some more wonderful content to bless your Body, Mind, and Spirit.  

Additionally, my mentors have coached me to launch my personal website as and keep for my membership site and podcast. I’ll let you know when those changes are rolling out. You will be the first to know when my group coaching program registration opens. And you, my long-time readers will get super discounts as I launch. 

Thank you for being there to share this journey. Create a beautiful week. And remember if you start experiencing turbulence remember to slow down and ramp up your self-care! 

P.S. If you missed my Breast Health Awareness Webinar in October, you can still watch it before it becomes part of my membership site, by clicking here.

This Free Quiz was created to help you gain clarity about some of your most aggravating symptoms and to help you get on your healthy hormone path.

FREE Hormone Symptom Quiz!